The session is booked for 1 hour 30 mins to allow plenty of time for a full hour’s treatment together with preparation and wind-down time.
The session is very similar to a traditional Reiki treatment with the client laying face up on a massage table. However, the way we attune ourselves, practitioner and client, with the energies is unique.
Firstly I describe to you how the session is going to work and what I am going to do. It is important at this stage that we agree which areas of your body you are happy that I touch, and also where you are comfortable touching me. Please see Healing Circuits and Base Chakra. The most important thing is that you are comfortable with what is happening. If you are not, then the healing is not going to work.
The treatment starts by us undressing each other. This has the effect of more forcefully discarding the mask of everyday life. Then, standing, we have a face-to-face full body hug, which lasts a minute or so. During this I attune to and open up your body’s core energy channel in preparation for the healing.
I now start scanning and search for healing circuits and focus on those where I feel the strongest energies. The majority of the time is now spent drawing healing energies through to you as inspired by that scan. Some circuits I may maintain for a while, 5 minutes or so, another maybe for a shorter time. I simply go with what feels right. It should be noted, however, that healing works in mysterious ways and no implication should be drawn from the outward body positions on which I seem to be concentrating. Just because I focus on your heart doesn’t mean you have a physical problem there, nor does it mean you have emotional problems!
Towards the end of the time, I move into my “hugging” phase. I introduced this into my healing some time ago, even when I was doing clothed healing. I invite spirit to come and give you a hug! How this works for you depends on your beliefs, but I see it as your guides/helpers/loved-ones-in-spirit coming to bring their love and support to you.As the session draws to a close, I start transforming the spiritual hug into a physical one to ensure we are fully grounded and to bring us back to reality.
During the session I will play music, my own playlist of meditative classical music. Not only does this enhance the energies but also allows me to keep track if time without clock watching.