I am a trained Reiki Holy Fire Master Spiritual Healer. Although this training has taught me a lot, I do not like to be forced to use a particular label so I tend to use the general term “Healing”
For some time, I have been guided by spirit to enhance his healing through nudity. I have not understood why, only that it is something I need to do. This led me to start a group, organised through Meetup.com, called Naked Healing For Men. For more information, click here.
This group work has been very successful and through it I have learned a lot. The energies raised during these sessions is fantastic and everyone, without exception, who has been to a session reported feeling uplifted.
But spirit is still driving me to do more. The group sessions are not everyone’s cup of tea. So I have been inspired to start one-to-one Naked Healing with the hope of bringing this experience to a different audience.