Naked Healing

 For Men

A unique form of healing, which aims to strengthen the male energies of the earth, something that seems to be suppressed and even frowned upon in today’s modern world. It is designed to lift the individual’s soul so that he can heal himself, physically and spiritually and then, in turn, so that he can send a light shining out to uplift the world. When combined with unconditional love, a man’s energy is powerful.

This site is dedicated to my one-to-one Naked healing work. If you are looking for Naked Healing in a group please visit where you not only receive healing but also learn to give healing in a loving and safe group.


I use the term “healing” in a very general way. I am a Spiritual Healer and also a Reiki Holy Fire Master. By training for both these disciplines, I have learned that there are some great similarities but also some differences between the two techniques. I believe they draw the energy from the same source but are too hung up in their own ways which I find limiting. I like to experiment and explore in my healing and often find it works differently with different clients. Likewise, I believe that clients have to come to their own understanding of what healing means to them and so I prefer not to put a specific label on it.


But why naked? We all live behind a mask disguising our real self from the world. This happens even more so for men, who have been brought up to feel that they must behave in a certain way to conform. Being naked strips away that mask and liberates the soul, setting it free to express itself. It’s a leveller that helps you become comfortable with yourself, not only your body but also your soul.

I believe there is an amplification of the healing energy when this mask is stripped away. In my Naked Healing sessions, both you and I are naked. Through my spirituality and meditation, I have been guided to explore this way of healing. Although I have been a “normal” spiritual healer for some time, I have felt that spirit wanted me to do more. Having experimented on friends, I have come to the conclusion that this is what I am being asked to do by my guides. I am convinced it has an exponentially more beneficial effect than normal healing.

Only you can judge whether it works for you. I accept that this treatment is unusual and is not for everyone. If you feel drawn to this, as an alternative or in addition, you may want to consider the group Naked Healing sessions I run through as mentioned above.